Hatter’s Ball
Christian Student Center 130 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NMWe're mad for recovery! Join us for a formal N.A. prom Appetizers, fellowship, & dancing $10 minimum recommended donation, but no addict will be turned away
We're mad for recovery! Join us for a formal N.A. prom Appetizers, fellowship, & dancing $10 minimum recommended donation, but no addict will be turned away
The Greater Albuquerque Area meets once a month. All component groups of the Area send a representative, and together this service committee works to help spread the message of recovery […]
12:00 Eat 1:00 Speakers 2:00 Fun & Games Activities: Cornhole, Volleyball, BYO Water Balloon Fight, Play "Meet-an-addict" Hamburgers/hotdogs will be provided Bring your favorite side-dish (Burger toppings) AND Bring blanket […]
The Addicts Only Group of Narcotics Anonymous Presents the Second Annual "Straight Outta Excuses" Chile Cookoff! Speakers Start at 6 p.m.; T-Shirts will be for sale! Come get one! Bring […]
Albuquerque NA Campout Fenton Lake $10 parking per night Saturday Night Free meal meetings Friday $ Saturday night bring water containes We have the whole campground contact info: Richard 505-261-4087 […]
Food at 6 p.m. Meeting at 7 p.m. Games begin at 8 p.m. BBQ Themed Potluck Bring a main dish or side dish to share and come celebrate with us […]
Rio Grande Region & RGRCNA XXXIV Entertainment & Fundraising Subcommittee Present a Motorcycle Run, Cruise & Carnival Rio Grande Region & RGRCNA XXXIV Subcomite de Diversion y Recaudacion de Fondos […]
Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served starting at 12. Water will be free and cokes will be for sale for a dollar. Speakers start at 1pm. Fun and games […]
Narcotics Anonymous Rio Grande Region Virtual Speaker Jam "PR & 12 Traditions" 1-2:30 p.m. Zoom ID: 717 890 2088
Anna 13 years BBQ Themed Potluck Bring a main dish or a side to share and come celebrate with us Meeting at 6 p.m. Zoom ID: 841 4296 8240 Password: […]
Just for the Fellas invites you to a summer camping trip! (All are welcome, not just fellas) Cochiti Lake Campground Ringtail Cat Loop Sites 73-77 Fishing and hiking areas nearby, […]
Just for the Fellas invites you to a summer camping trip! (All are welcome, not just fellas) Cochiti Lake Campground Ringtail Cat Loop Sites 73-77 Fishing and hiking areas nearby, […]