4th of July BBQ

North Domingo Baca Park 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served starting at 12. Water will be free and cokes will be for sale for a dollar. Speakers start at 1pm. Fun and games […]

Virtual Speaker Jam

Narcotics Anonymous Rio Grande Region Virtual Speaker Jam "PR & 12 Traditions" 1-2:30 p.m. Zoom ID: 717 890 2088

Speak Easy & Serene Clean Time Celebration

Rio Rancho United Methodist Church 1652 Abrazo Rd NE, Rio Rancho, NM

Anna 13 years BBQ Themed Potluck Bring a main dish or a side to share and come celebrate with us Meeting at 6 p.m. Zoom ID: 841 4296 8240 Password: […]

Summer Camping Trip

Cochiti Lake Campground Cochiti Rec Area, Cochiti Lake, NM, United States

Just for the Fellas invites you to a summer camping trip! (All are welcome, not just fellas) Cochiti Lake Campground Ringtail Cat Loop Sites 73-77 Fishing and hiking areas nearby, […]

Summer Camping Trip

Cochiti Lake Campground Cochiti Rec Area, Cochiti Lake, NM, United States

Just for the Fellas invites you to a summer camping trip! (All are welcome, not just fellas) Cochiti Lake Campground Ringtail Cat Loop Sites 73-77 Fishing and hiking areas nearby, […]

Summer Camping Trip

Cochiti Lake Campground Cochiti Rec Area, Cochiti Lake, NM, United States

Just for the Fellas invites you to a summer camping trip! (All are welcome, not just fellas) Cochiti Lake Campground Ringtail Cat Loop Sites 73-77 Fishing and hiking areas nearby, […]

Recovery Celebration

sponsored by: A Life of Its Own (a biannual event) Potluck | Speaker Meeting

T.L.C. Labor Day BBQ Monday 9/2 2-5pm

Burgers and Hot Dogs provided, Potluck - Bring a dish for all to share. Water free - Soda $1.00 2 Speakers and fellowship. $5.00 suggested donation (Fundraising to make amends […]