Rio Grande Region of NA Unity Day

Salmon Park 504 W Sycamore Ave, Bloomfield, NM, United States

Unity is the key to our survival. Auctions for items & a pie in the face auction. T-Shirts will be available for purchase. Hotdogs & Hamburgers. Please bring a side dish or dessert. Speaker Jam at 1:30 featuring a speaker from each Area. Bring canopy for shade. Bring a chair or blanket. Convention Registration Kickoff.

Speak Easy & Serene Clean Time Celebration

Rio Rancho United Methodist Church 1652 Abrazo Rd NE, Rio Rancho, NM

Potluck: bring a chicken themed main dish or any side dish Food & Fellowship at 5 p.m. Meeting at 6 p.m. Raffle & Auction Zoom ID: 841 4296 8240 Password: 552246  

Hatter’s Ball

Christian Student Center 130 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM

We're mad for recovery! Join us for a formal N.A. prom Appetizers, fellowship, & dancing $10 minimum recommended donation, but no addict will be turned away  

Greater Albuquerque Area Service Committee meeting

Grace Church 6901 San Antonio Dr NE, Albuquerque, United States

The Greater Albuquerque Area meets once a month. All component groups of the Area send a representative, and together this service committee works to help spread the message of recovery in the surrounding geographic area.

Memorial Day BBQ

Arroyo del Oso park 8320 Spain Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM, United States

12:00 Eat 1:00 Speakers 2:00 Fun & Games Activities: Cornhole, Volleyball, BYO Water Balloon Fight, Play "Meet-an-addict" Hamburgers/hotdogs will be provided Bring your favorite side-dish (Burger toppings) AND Bring blanket or chair Sodas will be sold for $1 Event is free but contributions welcome! Contact Andrew J. for details: 505-427-7460

2nd Annual “Straight Outta Excuses” Chile Cookoff

University Heights United Methodist Church 2210 Silver Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM, United States

The Addicts Only Group of Narcotics Anonymous Presents the Second Annual "Straight Outta Excuses" Chile Cookoff! Speakers Start at 6 p.m.; T-Shirts will be for sale! Come get one! Bring your best chile to share!  

Fenton Lake Campout

Albuquerque NA Campout Fenton Lake $10 parking per night Saturday Night Free meal meetings Friday $ Saturday night bring water containes We have the whole campground contact info: Richard 505-261-4087 NA campout flyer

Happy, Joyous, & Free Clean Time Celebration & Game Night

Our Lady Queen of Angels 1701 Tulip Road SE, Rio Rancho, NM, United States

Food at 6 p.m. Meeting at 7 p.m. Games begin at 8 p.m. BBQ Themed Potluck Bring a main dish or side dish to share and come celebrate with us Bring your favorite game to play

Motorcycle Run

Rio Grande Region & RGRCNA XXXIV Entertainment & Fundraising Subcommittee Present a Motorcycle Run, Cruise & Carnival Rio Grande Region & RGRCNA XXXIV Subcomite de Diversion y Recaudacion de Fondos Presenta Motociclismo Crucero y Carnaval

4th of July BBQ

North Domingo Baca Park 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served starting at 12. Water will be free and cokes will be for sale for a dollar. Speakers start at 1pm. Fun and games from 2-4pm. $5 suggested donation. No addict will be turned away.

Virtual Speaker Jam

Narcotics Anonymous Rio Grande Region Virtual Speaker Jam "PR & 12 Traditions" 1-2:30 p.m. Zoom ID: 717 890 2088

Speak Easy & Serene Clean Time Celebration

Rio Rancho United Methodist Church 1652 Abrazo Rd NE, Rio Rancho, NM

Anna 13 years BBQ Themed Potluck Bring a main dish or a side to share and come celebrate with us Meeting at 6 p.m. Zoom ID: 841 4296 8240 Password: 552426